10 years.
Wow! It is my 10 year anniversary since I started using Young Living oils.
I remember when I first started. I was a bit overwhelmed and had no idea what I was doing, but I started, and one step at a time learned along the way, while telling everyone I knew about the magic of plants.

What I didn’t know then?
Young Living wasn’t just an essential oil company. It’s also the place I get my household cleaner, vitamins and supplements, and my daily antioxidant drink that does wonders for my physical and mental health.
I was going to use these products to limit our exposure to physical toxins and then I was going to use and love them as tools for emotional wellness and pursue a deeper journey of healing than I ever imagined.
My kids would grow up thinking that the “hippie” way of life was normal and learn to get curious, ask questions and advocate for their wellness.
That I would find communities of people who also had a passion for wellness and people.
That I would travel to some incredible places and farms across the world.
And so much more…
I’m so grateful for Young Living and Gary Young. This year YL celebrated their 30th anniversary. 30 YEARS of producing essential oils and products infused with plants, created with intention for health and wellness.
I am also incredibly grateful for the business opportunity Young Living brought into my life for many reasons, including because that is how each of you are here.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being on a journey of wellness. Thank you for choosing to incorporate these tools into your life. Thank you for choosing to share these tools with others.
10 years of baby steps.
Learning, creating and sharing. Wow!
With Love & Valor- (and gratitude!)

Get Started with Young Living
Ready to start on your own wellness journey with Young Living? Click below to shop discounted bundles for daily wellness, clean home (without the chemicals), or the most popular and useful essential oils! Just add the kit that fits your needs and budget to your cart, and make sure to check the box to make this your first Loyalty Rewards order to get some incredible freebies, a product credit, and more!!