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The Complete Guide to Liver Health (Naturally!)


Is your metabolism struggling?

Does your skin seem muddy and inflamed?

Is your digestion sluggish?

Are your energy levels at an all time low?

Then you’re in the right place.

Your liver is a literal powerhouse when it comes to your overall health. Showing it some love on a daily basis can go a long way! And it doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming or honestly even that hard.

Keep reading for some natural, effective ways to support liver health through mindful lifestyle choices, essential oils, and supplements, helping you restore your energy, clear your skin, and feel your best. 

Let’s give your liver the love it deserves!

Is My Liver Important?

When it comes to overall health, your liver plays a starring role in keeping you vibrant and thriving. This unassuming organ quietly works behind the scenes, performing over 500 functions that are essential for your well-being.

Your liver is your body’s natural detox powerhouse. 

Every minute, it processes about 1.4 liters of blood, filtering out toxins, metabolizing nutrients, and producing bile to aid digestion. It has SO many roles when it comes to our health:

  • Detoxification

  • Breaking down and absorbing food

  • Regulating Metabolism

  • Controlling Blood Flow

  • Hormone Balance

  • Immune Support

  • Managing Cholesterol

  • Vitamin and Mineral Storage

Your liver is resilient, but it can get overwhelmed. Signs that it might need support include:

  • Fatigue or brain fog

  • Digestive issues like bloating

  • Skin problems such as acne or dullness

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Difficulty losing weight

Your liver works tirelessly for you, so showing it some consistent love can yield incredible results. Better digestion, glowing skin, and balanced energy levels are just a few of the benefits of a happy liver!

Healthy Habits

When your liver is overwhelmed by diet, toxins, alcohol, or stress, its ability to support your immune system tanks. This can leave your body vulnerable to infections and slow down recovery time. 

Supporting your liver through mindful health choices not only enhances detoxification but also fortifies your immune defenses, creating a strong foundation for overall well-being. 

Start today with these easy to incorporate habits…

  • Practice stress-relieving techniques like yoga or meditation to lower cortisol levels. Added bonus for applying some Lavender, Frankincense or Valor! 

  • Stay hydrated with clean water with minerals to keep your liver functioning efficiently.  

  • Incorporate essential oils like Lemon and Frankincense into your routine for added support.  

  • MOVE that beautiful body! Exercise regularly to keep the liver pumping by walking, jumping or dancing!

  • Add antioxidant-rich foods like turmeric, goji berries, and green tea to your diet to reduce inflammation.  

  • Avoid processed foods and opt for whole, nutrient-dense meals to ease your liver’s workload.  

  • Replace sugary treats with naturally sweet fruits like berries or apples. Opt for natural sweeteners like maple syrup, honey, or sucanat when sweetener is needed.

  • Opt for organic produce to reduce pesticide exposure. Grab some Thieves Fruit + Veggie Wash to remove pesticide residue from your produce.

  • Limit alcohol to occasional consumption or eliminate it altogether for a liver reset. Forgoing alcohol for at least 30 days does wonders for your liver!

  • Use natural cleaning products and plant-based personal care items to reduce toxin exposure in your environment.

  • Consider a castor oil liver pack. There is a lot of great information out there on the benefits of castor oil packs!

By making these small but impactful changes, you empower your liver to work at its best, ensuring your overall health and vitality.

My Favorite Oils and Supplements for Liver Support

Let’s show our livers some love, don't you think? Daily support with supplements, movement, water, diet, and oils can go a LONG way. And then cleansing every so often helps pull out anything that’s been hiding.

And you’ll feel amazing! 

A few things you can do for daily support…

  • JuvaCleanse and JuvaPower supplements are a dynamic combo for daily liver nourishment and support

  • NingXia Red + Golden Turmeric to kick inflammation to the curb and flood your body with antioxidants! 

Juva Products

And if you want a really easy button for liver nourishment, grab some JuvaPower + JuvaTone! 

JuvaPower is a nutrient-rich powder supplement that combines the benefits of spinach, rice, and beets with essential oils like fennel and anise to promote gentle cleansing and healthy liver function.

Its sidekick is JuvaTone, a tablet that pairs phytonutrients and essential oils, including Lemon, German Chamomile, Rosemary, and more. These two supplements will truly show your liver some love!

Ningxia Red

When it comes to antioxidants, there is no better option than NingXia Red!

NingXia Red is a delicious supplement drink that combines wolfberries (goji berries) with other antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries, cherries, and pomegranates. It also contains Lemon, Orange, and Yuzu essential oils.

This one supplement is packed with vitamins, minerals, and especially high levels of antioxidants, such as zeaxanthin. Your liver loves it!

Golden Turmeric

The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin has been widely studied for its ability to reduce inflammation at a molecular level by blocking the activity of certain inflammatory enzymes (such as COX-2). In fact, curcumin blocks these enzymes as well as conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)!

(Pssst, those NSAIDS and OTC pain relievers are also SO hard on the liver!)

Golden Turmeric has all these benefits, plus it has better absorption than any other turmeric supplement. This supplement powder is infused with essential oils and tastes great!

More daily supplements:

  • GLF essential oil blend: A blend of oils specifically designed to support the liver and gallbladder. Apply and/or take as a dietary supplement.

  • Detoxzyme: An enzyme supplement to support metabolism of macronutrients and daily detoxification.

  • Mineral Essence: Put a few droppers into your water for added minerals!

Essential oils:

  • Grapefruit: Helps boost metabolism and supports detoxification. Use with Cel-Lite Magic Massage oil for dry brushing daily. Add a drop to your water.

  • Rosemary: Promotes circulation and supports liver regeneration. Apply with a carrier to support circulation. Use with epsom salt for a detox bath.

  • Lemon: Helps to detox the liver with its alkaline properties. Take as a dietary supplement or add to your water!

  • JuvaCleanse: Add this essential oil blend to your castor oil when doing a castor oil pack! 

Shop my Favorite Liver Support Products Below:



L E T ' S  C O N N E C T

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