Hello animal lover! This topic is by far one of the most requested, one wrought with tons of questions, and one shrouded in a bit of mystery and controversy.
And this blog is going to break it all down.
Keep reading to learn about all the natural tools for loving, caring, and treating your animals no matter whether they are pocket size or barn size.
Why Oils are Perfect for our Animal Friends

If you are an animal lover, you know that they have hearts and souls that connect with ours so deeply that they become our family. And we want to give them the best – a wonderful life with love and connection and health! And despite what you may have heard, essential oils are a key component of that.
If you think about it, our animals experience essential oils in the natural world around them – consuming herbs and plants in their diet in the wild, brushing up against flowers, shrubs and trees, climbing through limbs and leaves. All we are doing here is harnessing that power! We are utilizing nature to soothe, heal, and support the creatures from nature that are a part of our daily lives.
Anecdotal as it may be, thousands and thousands of Young Living members use oils in and on their pets – from small amphibians to livestock! We’ll get to this in a minute, but the purity and quality of the oil is crucial.
Added to that is the expertise of holistic veterinarians, farmers, and more who have developed protocol and dilutions through their practices. We get the benefit of that and can use oils safely on our own animals!
Because almost all animals have heightened senses of smell compared to use, oils can be a powerful tool for them. Many are also covered in hair follicles, which improves absorption of oils through the skin – even when oils are diffused.
This means that these little bottles of plant goodness can be very simple, very effective tools for our animal friends!
Oil Quality Matters

The same way that you want to give your pet the best when it comes to food and care, you want to give them the same when it comes to health! And as far as essential oils go, the quality of the oil can not only change your outcome, but it can damage your pet’s skin in the process.
Many essential oils are cut with solvents that aren’t listed on the label (they aren’t required to be!!), are from plants grown in toxic soil, are mixed with other oils, or are mixed with inert oils. None of these things will give you the results that you want and your pet needs.
This is why you want completely pure, unadulterated, highest quality essential oils. And if you want that, then you want Young Living!
Oil Safety for Animals

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room here. Is it actually safe to use essential oils on animals?
Short answer: YES.
We’ve talked about how oil quality plays a huge role here, and so does technique. The same way that you wouldn’t abruptly change your pet’s diet, you also wouldn’t start them on twenty oils and five supplements all at once.
In general, start lightly with diluted oils and increase the amounts used as tolerated. Because of an animal’s heightened sense of smell, it may actually be the scent more than the oil itself that an animal dislikes. (Side note: this is the same practice in conventional and holistic medicine for people!)
In more urgent situations, you may choose to use slightly higher amounts, but always remember that you can easily add more. Start with one diluted drop, and repeat in 15-30 minutes per your animal’s tolerance. This is a huge tool in your toolbox for safely using oils on your animals.
You also have to account for the individual animal. Just like humans, they have specific needs and will react differently to different oils. Simply because a dog is much larger than another does not mean that the larger dog will need more oil to balance him or her. In fact, in the Animal Desk Reference by veterinarian Melissa Shelton, she gives an example of a large Great Dane receiving fewer, more dilute drops of oil during a Raindrop than a small Papillon!
It is also important to remember that essential oils can cause detoxification reactions, even in our pets. The more oils that are used, and the more drops that are used, the more detoxification occurs. So the majority of “oil reactions” (especially behavioral ones) are actually the animal’s body innately using the oils to rid itself of toxins that have been weighing it down.
In short, we must observe our animal friends closely to monitor their response. And this blog is here to help guide you!
Quick Tips for Applying Oils
Apply one drop of your chosen oil to your hands and rub them together. Hold your pet or allow them to sit close to you and get used to them. Do not try to force them to smell your hands or hold them. Let the animal approach you, and if they show interest in the area that has the oils let them sniff/approach at their own pace.
Diffuse your oils on the intermittent setting. Always ensure the animals aren't initially locked in a room and can come and go freely. Your pets should be able to leave the room at any time if they choose. Don't start the diffuser right over where they sleep initially, but only after they are comfortable with diffusing. If the animals pace or look at the diffuser often, they could be uncomfortable with the scent so just allow them to leave the area or add more water to the diffuser to dilute the scent further.
Try the ‘Petting Method’. Simply apply an oil to your hands and gently “pet” your animal. The animal’s hair will actually carry oils down the hair follicle into the skin. Only apply oils to a small part of the animal’s coat or body initially.The oils will get where they need to go!
Always start with 1 drop of essential oil, and apply more often versus using more drops. This is especially important with cats because they metabolize differently (they lack a particular liver enzyme).
In general, avoid the eye area, unless this area is one of need. According to Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM, in this case you can use a very diluted ‘eye spritzer’ (ex: up to 4 drops of Lavender in 120mL water) to mist around the eyes.
Dilution Ratios
When using an oil for the first time or for pets under 20lbs it’s best to dilute with a 1:4 ratio or more. That’s one drop of essential oil to 4 drops of carrier oil (like V-6 or coconut oil). Apply oil(s) mid-spine to the tail and down the rear legs. Once animals are familiar with oils, they can be applied to the neck, head, outer ears, front legs, and so forth.
In general, for animals over 20lbs use a 1:1 dilution ratio.
Always dilute “hot” oils like Oregano, Peppermint, Thieves, etc. You can always add more oil, so dilute more and apply more frequently versus diluting less.
Use great caution with oils and blends containing cinnamon or clove for dogs (like Thieves). These plants are toxic to them and while the distilled oil is different, it is better to be safe with using these particular oils.
Product Note
High amounts of xylitol can be toxic to animals, so always check your labels before
adding a new supplement. In small amounts, (many veterinary formulations have small
amounts!!) xylitol is ok, but if your pet devours an entire tube of KidScents or Thieves
Dentarome toothpaste, you may want to call your veterinarian!
The Animal Scents Oils

Did you know that Young Living has a line of products and oil blends created specifically for your animal friends?! That means you have effective, safe options, and no more conventional options for those special furry members of your family who need specific care!
Animal Scents ParaGize Oil Blend
Animal Scents ParaGize was developed to support pets with the settling, cleansing properties of Ginger, Anise, and Peppermint essential oils. These oils are our go-tos for any digestive needs in humans, and the same can be said for our pets! This relaxing, soothing blend can be applied to your pet's abdomen or diffused to support your pet with its comforting properties.
Animal Scents T-Away Oil Blend
So many of our pets experience emotional trauma that can often leave them with debilitating needs. Animal Scents T-Away is our go-to for everything from storm anxiety to more complex emotional issues with our pets.
T-Away contains a combination of Young Living's Trauma Life, Harmony, and Peace & Calming essential oil blends. These blends work together to promote feelings of balance and grounding in your pet, while their aromas mix to help elevate disposition. This blend can be used topically or aromatically to bring about a calm and peaceful environment for your pets' overall well-being.
Apply according to animal size, but in general apply 1 drop behind each ear to calm your pet.
The Three-Step System for Skincare:
Animal Scents PuriClean Oil Blend
Animal Scents PuriClean is the first step in Young Living's three-part system to support pet recovery from minor scrapes and scratches. This prediluted blend refreshes and cleanses your pet’s skin and prepares it for healing by moisturizing as well. PuriClean combines the skin-improvement properties of Patchouli, Mountain Savory, and other essential oils so that you can help your pet feel its best.
Animal Scents Infect-Away Oil Blend
Animal Scents Infect Away is step two of Young Living's three-part system to support your pet’s skin healing. This prediluted blend includes Ocotea, Patchouli, Myrrh and other cleansing oils that help guard against harmful contaminants while supporting your pet's irritated coat or skin.
Carefully apply according to the size and species of the animal. Additional dilution is recommended for smaller species. You can also put 8−10 drops in a 1-ounce spray bottle with distilled water for a quick skin-cleansing spritz. Best when used as part of a three-part system: PuriClean, followed by Infect Away, then Mendwell oil blend.
Animal Scents MendWell Oil Blend
Animal Scents Mendwell is step three of helping your pet heal and recover from minor scrapes and scratches. This prediluted blend supports your pet's natural healing process by soothing and moisturizing dry, sensitive, and distressed skin. Plus the aroma of Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium, and more creates an uplifting environment and promotes feelings of health and wellness for your pet.
Fleas, Ticks, and Pests

Ohhhh fleas and ticks and pests – what a pesky thing. And often they can leave our furry friends in a poor shape, so we want to help them out without using all the nasty chemicals in conventional options. Good news is we have SO many tools for both prevention and handling more aggressive situations.
When it comes to prevention, multiple layers (think oils and supplements) are required to keep those pests from becoming a problem. (And remember to treat all animals in the household so they don't perpetuate the pests!!)
For preventing pests try…
NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, Multigreens for overall health and prevention
Essentialzymes-4, Allerzyme, or MightyZyme (digestive enzymes for overall health)
Topical application of Citronella, Lavender, Palo Santo, and/or Purification
If the worst happens and there is an infestation, fear not. You have all the tools you need to remedy the situation! Try diffusing (remember, animals have lots of hair follicles to absorb oils!), applying via the petting method, or applying via a Raindrop fashion.
For acute needs or infestations, bathe the animal every 5-7 days in Animal Scents Shampoo (you can add oils to it – 4-6 drops for dogs), allowing the shampoo to sit for 5 minutes to kill any pests. Follow with essential oil application or Raindrop.
For exterminating and preventing the pests try…
Citronella, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Palo Santo (cats), Dorado Azul (cats)
Purification, ImmuPower, Thieves (dogs)
ParaFree over the abdomen
NingXia Red, SulfurZyme, Life 9
Longevity softgels (dogs)
For soothing skin from intense itching or bites and eliminating allergies try…
Helichrysum, Frankincense, Patchouli
NingXia Red, SulfurZyme
For CATS… Dilute the oil 75-90% or more, depending on the animal’s size. Give ½ to 1 tsp diluted NingXia Red daily for immune support and ½ tsp SulfurZyme mixed into moistened food daily.
For DOGS… Raindrop Technique twice a week is a wonderful way to prevent external pests! Also bathing as described above will help with infestations.
Behavior and Emotional Tools

You know how your cat or dog or other pet always seems to find you when you’re sad, grieving, or even stressed? They pick up on what is happening around them emotionally, and they also have their own emotions!
Just like us, our animals can benefit SO much from using oils for emotions! Whether your animal suffers from anxiety from storms or fireworks or there is a deeper trauma, these bottles of plant magic can bring so much soothing and healing to them!
When it comes to application, use the same methods we have discussed – diffusing, petting, and Raindrop Technique when appropriate!
Is there anyone who can’t use Frankincense? This powerful oil has some amazing physical support properties, but it is a wonderful emotional tool as well. Frankincense is a great choice for soothing behavioral conditions and depression and is one to reach for during times of transition (think moving, loss of a fellow pet or caregiver, etc.) and stress.
Peace & Calming
One of our favorite oils for emotions (for pets and for ourselves!) is Peace & Calming. This blend of Patchouli, Blue Tansy, citrus, and Ylang ylang is wonderful for soothing anxious feelings around car rides or travel, crating and kenneling, storms and loud noises, visits to the vet or hospital, or any situation that causes stress, anxiety, or depression in an animal.
Stress Away
Another great, gentle oil for calming is Stress Away. Reach for this blend of Lavender, Lime, Copaiba, and Vanilla when you want to reduce stress, improve mental response, lower tension, and promote relaxation. Added bonus, it also helps the physical side of these emotions such as tension, elevated blood pressure, muscle spasms and more! Consider applying (diluted) near the nasal area.
The panacea of rest and relaxation, Lavender is a tool in our toolbox for almost anything. This oil is gentle enough for even the most fragile animals, yet it has wonderful emotional (and physical) support properties. Use Lavender anytime your animal needs help calming, settling, and finding rest.
Aches, Pains, and Common Issues

When our physical bodies are sore or painful, it makes life so much harder, and the same is true for our animals. Whether it is arthritis due to aging or breed, inflammation from an underlying condition, or an acute incident causing pain, our animals can benefit so much from Young Living’s high quality oils and supplements!
This oil is truly incredible when it comes to healing and helping the body get back to and maintain homeostasis (a state of balance). Helichrysum is the primary oil given to animals by mouth for pain control. It can be combined with Copaiba if needed for even more relief. This oil is one that has so many usages and benefits and can help stop bleeding and bruising!
This gentle oil is wonderful when it comes to animals (and honestly humans too!). It has little scent or flavor, so it is easy to apply and administer, and it augments the body’s response to inflammation. So much so that it can be given alongside non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) until symptoms improve, and the animal can be weaned to just copaiba! It is a must have in your animal toolkit.
This supplement comes in capsules and powder, and it is a wonderful choice for maintaining healthy hair, skin, and joints for many animals (especially large dog breeds prone to arthritis). It is also wonderful during times of pain and inflammation! Sulfurzyme contains MSM, a natural anti-inflammatory compound that helps a myriad of issues – wound healing, reducing inflammation and speeding healing, as well as skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, and more.
General Ache Away Blend (dilute specific to animal type and weight)
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Evergreen Essence or Vetiver
Combine oils with carrier and apply via petting or dilute with water and spray gently; Can also diffuse for smaller animals (start with 4-5 drops in diffuser)
Supplement Tips

Our animals need the nutritional support of good quality supplements, just like we do! And the same way that we start supplementing to maintain good health before a need arises, we want to do this for our animal friends.
Enter NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, and SulfurZyme. These three really wonderful supplements form a baseline for your furry friends to help keep them healthy and active.
Another really great thing to give your pest is digestive enzymes – Allerzyme (small capsules), Essentialzymes-4 (larger capsules), or MightZyme (chewable tablets). According to holistic veterinarian Dr. Melissa Shelton, every animal needs digestive enzymes!
For birds & exotic animals: ¼ to ½ capsule of Allerzyme daily; approximately ⅛ of each Essentialzymes-4 capsule; split the dose between several meals
For cats: approximately 1 capsule of Allerzyme daily; approximately ¼ to ½ of each capsule of EssentialZymes-4 daily
For dogs: approximately 1 capsule or more of Allerzyme per meal for every 20lb (9kg) of body weight; ½ of each Essentialzymes-4 capsule per meal for every 50lb (23kg) of body weight.
Choosing Supplements
Adding a round of Life 9 after antibiotics, oral use of antimicrobial oils, severe diarrhea, or an infection is a wonderful way to support a healthy microbiome for your pets! For cats, ¼ to ½ capsule can be mixed with soft food, 2-3 times a day or as needed. For dogs, ¼ to ½ capsule for every 20lb (9kg) per day is good for general maintenance. In some cases, you can give a dose every 1-3 days, and for very large doges, you can use up to 1 capsule.
MultiGreens is a wonderful supplement to include for immune support, viral infections, and neurologic support (especially in the presence of conditions such as feline leukemia). For cats, ½ of a capsule daily (up to 1-2 whole capsules). For dogs, 1 capsule for every 10 lb daily; up to 1-2 per day
NingXia Red is amazing for SO many things. For cats, about ½ tsp daily, up to 1 tsp during illness, divided in 3-4 doses. Dilute in fresh water, add to food, give in a syringe. For dogs, ¼ oz for up to 20 lb, ½ oz for 20-50 lb, ¾ oz for 50-100 lb, and 1 oz for over 100 lb – no dilution required (only if preferred!). For horses and large animals, 1-2 oz daily, up to 4 oz during injury.

Exotic Animals

Our exotic animal friends can benefit from oils too! Ferrets, frogs, snakes and lizards – all can use oils just like our furry friends.
For furry animals like ferrets, you can use similar applications as for small cats. For other exotic animals, a water-based diffusion or spray method is more ideal. Water animals like lizards, frogs, or turtles absorb oils in the same way as fish – from plant matter within their water. One simple way to do this is to add a drop of citrus oil (Orange, Lemon, Citrus Fresh) to their drinking water (in a large container).
For exotics in general (furry or not), 1 drop of oil for every quart of water OR for smaller animals or more dilution, you can dip a toothpick into the oil and swirl it in a quart of water.
For amphibians, 1 toothpick of an oil (Purification is a good one), for every liter of water and allow them to soak.
Exotic animals tend to like citrus oils, so introducing one of them first will likely allow the animal to prefer other oils.
When adding oil to your pet’s water, make sure to have a fresh water option available as well.
Misting is a great option for the hairless exotics! For small animals like amphibians, 1 toothpick or 1 drop of oil per 1 liter of water. For larger reptiles, up to 4 drops of oil for every 4 ounces of water.
When it comes to reptiles, remember that like most other animals, they are much more sensitive to scents and tastes than humans. Even handling a reptile (or other fur-less exotic animal) with oil residue on your hands may be overwhelming to some. One simple way to test your animal’s response to an oil is to place 1 drop somewhere in the animal’s environment and note their reaction.
Reptiles and other hairless animals also have more sensitive skin, so remember to introduce oils slowly and keep them diluted until the animal is comfortable with the oil(s).
Skin Soothing Soak
Infuse 1 pint of magnesium flakes or epsom salt with 15 drops Lavender
Add 1 Tablespoon of mixture to a quart of warm water and soak for stuck sheds, minor injuries, scrapes, etc.
Farm Animals

When it comes to using oils on a farm, there is truly no better option! Whether you have ruminant animals such as cattle, buffalo, bison, sheep, goats or those in the mule/deer family, there are many ways to support these animals with oils.
Using oils in feeds and water, during udder washes, and post-milking cleansing are great options for everyday use and animal health.
These animals also benefit from Animal Scents Ointment and the three-step system for skin healing – Animal Scents PuriClean, InfectAway, and MendWell oils – as well as oils for aches and pains and fleas, ticks, and pests! The Animal Scents oils and ointment are wonderful for hoof care.
For the larger farm animals, you would dilute more than for a small cat or dog, but remember that you can always apply more. Try applying the oil to your skin first to see if it causes any tingling or just to gauge how it feels. Then apply it via petting or Raindrop to the animal.
Veterinarian Infection Suggestion for large animals (adapted from the Essential Oil Animal Desk Reference)
2 oz NingXia Red
10-15 drops Oregano
8-13 drops Mountain Savory
8-10 drops Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint combines
5 drops each Frankincense, Copaiba, Evergreen Essence
Add to a 14 oz container and top with purified water. Mix well and drench the animal with the solution.
Poultry Care
In today’s society, many people have a backyard flock, and these amazing creatures can benefit so much from natural practices with essential oils and oil-infused products!
Use Animal Scents Ointment for cuts and scrapes as needed
Add 1 drop of Oregano and a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar to a large (5 gallon) water trough
Because of their anatomy, chickens breathe in higher concentrations of oxygen and whatever else is in the air, so diluting oils for them is key! One great way to keep your coop clean and let your chickens get the benefits of oils is to use this Natural Coop Cleaner Recipe:
16 oz glass spray bottle
1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner
25 drops Lemon essential oil
Fill halfway with white vinegar, then fill with water.
Large Animals

Essential oils can benefit our large animals as well! In fact, in a healthy environment, horses and other large animals come into contact with essential oils naturally as they graze, consume herbs, and scratch against trees. We can harness all that plant power to give them amazing tools for their health. Whether you need acute support for a specific need, daily maintenance for overall health, or want to prevent the bumps in the road, there are so many ways oils can help!
In general, large animals (horses, mules, donkeys, mini horses, etc.) will use the same dose or dilution as humans (it’s directly on the oil bottle!), though there are always species-specific considerations. Animals with fair or red coats or have a finer bone structure may require more dilution. Dilute more and apply more frequently. Also, after applying an oil, stay with the animal for 15-20 minutes to observe any discomfort. If they try to lick it off, are upset or anything, use more dilution.
First-Aid Kit for Horses (or other large animals)
Animal Scents Ointment
Purification, Peace & Calming
Tea Tree, Lavender, Helichrysum, Copaiba
Coconut oil for diluting
Mineral Essence, NingXia Red
Thieves Household Cleaner (for cleaning all the things!)
Epsom salts, wraps, adhesive bandages, etc.
Tick Away for Horses & Other Large Animals
(can dilute for smaller animals)
1 cup distilled water
2 cups distilled white vinegar
2 tablespoons V-6 Carrier Oil
4 drops each Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata or Globulus, Citronella
3 drops each Palo Santo, Cedarwood, Thyme
Combine all ingredients in a large spray bottle. Spray onto your horse’s body – focusing on the legs and underbelly – every four hours during turnout.
Animal FAQ

Let’s tackle some common, practical questions about using oils on our animal friends!
Do I need to part my animal’s fur to apply oil directly to the skin? No, you don’t! In fact, more of a broader ‘petting’ type application over a large area of fur or hair is highly effective and less irritating to the animal’s skin.
What do I do if the animal’s skin, paws, or other areas seem irritated by an oil? This is likely a detoxification reaction, so adding another essential oil will only increase the detoxification. Instead, apply a carrier oil like V-6 Vegetable Complex or coconut oil. In a pinch you can use any fatty substance – whole milk, butter, etc.
Can I diffuse around my pets? YES. You can absolutely diffuse around them, and most pets love it. Just remember that they have a heightened sense of smell. One good tip is to place your nose directly over your diffuser while it is turned on. If it smells too intense for you, it is likely too much for them! Plus, smaller animals can absorb topically really well, so you can diffuse around them to help them absorb the oils.
How do I start using oils on my animals? Start slowly and allow them to become accustomed to oils as part of a daily routine (i.e. diffusing or petting with oils on your hands) – you do not want to create an aversion by being overly aggressive. Also grab the AnimalScents oils to use on them because these are formulated just for them!
My pet doesn’t like oils. What should I do? If your pet is jittery or resistant to essential oils, try applying an oil to yourself and stay near the pet for several minutes, so they can get used to the aroma. Our animals associate things the same way we do (ie, a vet trip makes them hide in the corner), so sometimes it just takes them rewiring the connection between the oil and the result or experience.
How do I do Raindrop Technique on my animal? This will depend on the animal size and type, but in general Raindrop includes Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Cypress, Wintergreen, Marjoram, and Peppermint dripped from the tail to the head. For cats and small animals, the oils are combined and diluted in a single solution before application. After the oils are applied, stroke the animal softly a few times. You can also create your own blend for emotional work and use the same technique!
Get Started Today with the Animal Bundle

We want to give our animal friends the best health that we can, and we have so many wonderful natural tools to do this!! You can get a huge jumpstart on this today with this curated bundle of animal favorites. Bonus… you can use these for yourself and family as well!
The Animal Bundle:
Animal Scents Shampoo
Animal Scents Ointment
NingXia Red 2 pack
SulfurZyme Powder
MightyZyme tablets
ParaGize, T-away, PuriClean, InfectAway, MendWell
Copaiba Vitality
Click above to shop the animal bundle and add each of the items to your cart. Click the box to make this your first Loyalty Rewards order to get some incredible freebies, a product credit, and more!!
You will not regret this decision. You will only regret not doing it sooner!