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Reset your Home with One Multi-use Natural Cleaner


Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Does your home bring you joy?

Are you overwhelmed by your cleaning tasks and chores?

Do you avoid certain tasks month after month?

Do you want to create home rhythms that work?

Are you tired of having a headache after you clean?

Do you struggle with skin and breathing problems?

It may be time to press the RESET button on your home.

When we constantly feel that we are fighting our homes rather than nurturing them, it takes a toll on our well-being and joy.

Imagine this:

You reach under your sink to grab your cleaning caddy-everything you need to clean house.

It's heavy. It holds your glass cleaner, tub cleaner, mopping solution, rubber gloves, toilet cleaner, bleach, and all the other miscellaneous things you need.

It's bathroom cleaning day.

You open a window to make sure the room is well ventilated, because it's what you've always done. And because if you don't, those fumes get you good. Coughing, lightheaded feelings. You also have rubber gloves on your hands so your skin doesn't burn from all the harsh cleaners you're using.

You're cleaning your toddlers high chair.

You clean it with the disinfectant. You sanitize. And then you make sure to wipe it down with some gentle soap and water before you actually let your toddler touch it. Because you can smell the strength of those chemicals, and feel the burn in your throat. You know you don't want them touching that or eating directly off of it.

Or what if you made a shift?

You clean with child and bet-safe, powerfully effective, plant-based Thieves Household


No harmful fumes. No toxic residue. No "keep away from children". No burning throat. No skin irritation.

One cleaner. Every surface. Trusted. Clean. Safe.

Introducing: Thieves Household Cleaner

Thieves Household Cleaner is the perfect, versatile go-to for a happy, healthy home!  I love this household staple for everything from general cleaning to tough messes to DIYs.

This Young Living exclusive includes only plant-based and naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean your home without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harsh ingredients. 

Plus, the concentrated formula means that one 14.4oz bottle makes about 20 spray bottles of standard cleaner!

You can use Thieves Household Cleaner to clean….

  • Counters, tables, and other surfaces

  • Bathrooms, showers, tubs, even commodes

  • Floors, porches and decks, outdoor furniture

  • Children’s toys, pet toys

  • Upholstery

  • Basically anything!

DIY Recipes with Thieves Cleaner

For general cleaning, simply add 1-2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner to an empty 16oz glass spray bottle and fill with water! You can add essential oils for extra scent and cleaning power if you wish or make the formula more concentrated for tougher messes.

Here are some fun seasonal cleaning spray recipes:

  • Spring Breeze Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, 10 drops Clary Sage, Lemon

  • Baking Cookies Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Vanilla, Cinnamon Bark, 10 drops Stress Away

  • Citrus Spice Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Orange, Cinnamon Bark, 10 drops Clove, 5 drops each Nutmeg, Ginger

  • Frosted Forest Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Peppermint, Tangerine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Bergamot

Here are some other ideas for using this one bottle to clean your entire home! 

  • Thieves Degreaser - Combine 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner and 1-2 cups water. For heavy cleaning, use half or quarter the amount of water. If necessary, use a cloth to apply Thieves Household Cleaner undiluted. After cleaning, wipe the area with a cloth dampened with water. Add this to a glass spray bottle and use on: Kitchen Sink, Toilet Seats, Bathroom Sink. Bathtub, Floors and Tile

  • Glass and Mirror Cleaner - Combine 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner, 5 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil blend, 1 tsp white vinegar, and 3 cups water.

  • Sink and Tile Scrub Recipe - Simply mix equal parts Thieves Household Cleaner and the baking soda in a bowl and use throughout your whole house on grimy surfaces!


  • Windows and Mirrors - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 4-5 cup water in glass spray bottle. Provides a streak free shine.

  • Carpets - 1 capful for 4-5 cups water to a steam cleaner can remove dirt and grime from carpets and upholstery. Make sure to spot check.

  • Garbage Cans - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water. Spray both inside and outside to remove dirt and grime. Wipe clean. (No need to wash off) You may also want to consider adding a few drops of Thieves Essential Oil to a cotton ball and dropping into the bottom of can as a weekly deodorizer.

  • Heavy Degreaser - 1 capful Thieves cleaner to 1 cup water. Spray and soak for 5 minutes. Wipe away grease like your name is Houdini.

  • Bathroom Soft Scrub - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1⁄4 cup baking soda. Using a bristle toilet brush, scrub inside of toilets and showers and sit 5 min before rinsing or flushing.

  • Toy Soak - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 Cups water in sink or bucket. Let your baby's toys soak for 15 minutes to remove grime and hidden dangers all while providing a non-toxic sanitizer for your tiniest of human's favorite toys. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and dry.

  • Floors - Cleaning floors can be so easy with this one solution that cleans, deodorized and adds shine to various hard flooring. 1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to 4 cups water (we always add 2-3 drops of Lemon essential oil for the smell and extra shine) Mop as usual.

  • Fridge Cleaner - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 2 cups water. Great for both inside and a steak free stainless-steel cleaner. Also, who wants harsh chemicals where we store food.

  • Tiles and Grout - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner with 1/2 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray tile and grout. Let sit for a couple of minutes. Use a small brush to get stains out. You may use less water for stronger concentration as needed.

  • Mattress Cleaner - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water, add 3 drops Purification essential oil and spritz over entire mattress for overall clean. When using as a spot cleaner, spray thoroughly and scrub with a light bristled brush.

Grab a bottle of Thieves Cleaner here:



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