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Harnessing the Energy of Spring


Spring is here, and I don’t know about you, but the spring energy came in like a freight train.

After the winter months of internal slumber, it can feel exciting to focus on the blossoming, and I jumped right in!

This quick emerging can be busy, physically, emotionally and mentally. So, it becomes really important to create the space to slow down and ground your self and your energy. It’s okay to create a bit of ease.

Almost like planting a seed.

When the seed is planted it doesn’t blossom immediately, it sinks its roots into the ground and eventually grows out of the soil, taking its time to emerge.

Spring is a beautiful time to feel into the renewal, just make sure to do it Soak up the emerging momentum.

6 Ways to Harness the Spring Emergence

  • Get outside and get your feet into the ground. (Supports balancing the nervous system.)

  • Soak up some time in the morning or evening sun- helping your cells recharge. (Happy mitochondria!)

  • Clear out the winter cobwebs by decluttering and cleaning. Pick one room (or section of a room) at a time and focus.

  • Envision your desire for the next season. It’s a great time to take action through planting the seeds.

  • Your physical body is also decluttering- so cleansing and supporting your liver is key.

  • Spring brings new foods, so a shift in eating may feel natural to incorporate more fresh foods and switch things up.

Suggested Oils

  • Northern lights black spruce for grounding

  • Lemon or citrus oils diffused to bring in the sunny energy indoors

  • Joy- embracing the spring blossoming outdoors and within

  • Lavender- soothe the nervous system

  • Release- supports releasing at a physical and emotional level. Excellent over liver or back.

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