Self love? Self care?
There was a time in my life where those were trigger words for me. Maybe they are for you?
Who has the time? In fact, I was always busy. I thought I thrived on busy. I am a Mom and had young kids, a home, and businesses. Making sure everyone else had priority until…
Until, what? Until, when?
Until I became aware that my health and wellness was a necessary part of supporting those around me.
Until I realized that my self care and the way that I demonstrated loving myself would reflect to my kiddos.
Until I realized that my self care was essential.
There are many ways that I began to self care. Routines definitely being one. In particular, a routine with supplements and oils. I know- I know. If you are like the younger version of me- you may roll your eyes.
I was SO resistant to having a routine, and told myself it was because I thrived by going with the flow.
The reality is, it was a way to self sabotage. I was resistant to recognizing my needs and making sure I was taken care of.
As I committed to a life of conscious living, I’ve learned that my self care routines are a form of self love. They are tiny commitments I make to myself each day, to ensure that I am cared for and operating at my fullest. Those routines have become a daily ritual that I can even take on the go.
Here are some simple tips for making supplements and oils a part of your self care:

TIP ONE: Figure out where you go to get your first drink of the day. Maybe it is coffee, tea or water? Put all of your supplements in the same spot. At first, you may want to keep them out so you physically see them. This will remind you to take them right away to begin your day.
TIP TWO: Keep water and oils right by your favorite diffusers. I usually swap out the oils depending on the season. This makes it quick and easy to fill the diffuser and move along with my day.
TIP THREE: Recognize where you use certain oils and keep them in those places. For instance, night support oils by your bed, digestive support oils in the kitchen or bathroom, essential oils you cook with in the kitchen, skin oils by your skin care (this is also where I put hormone support oils), emotional support oils, well, EVERYWHERE. Make it easy to grab and use.
TIP FOUR: Throughout the day, ask yourself, “How am I feeling?” At first, this may be uncomfortable to notice. This is a great opportunity to provide yourself some support, and based on how you answer, use oils to intentionally recognize and support your needs.
Self love is well expressed through self care.
An honoring of having needs and being willing to make sure those needs are taken care of. (Which is where essential oils are essential for me!)
Routine- a self care routine- isn’t a punishment to strap you in, but a gift of commitment to yourself each day.
It can be easy, you just have to begin. One. Step. At. A. Time.
What is one way you will change up to make your own self care a little simpler?